7 Steps to Reaching Zero Landfill
Global Sustainable Solutions shares 7 steps to help you lessen or even eliminate your company’s waste steam and earn profits while you do.
Reach Zero Landfill in 7 Steps
Whether you have goals for zero landfill or simply want your business to become more sustainable, you are in the right place.
Maybe you are fulfilling legislative obligations, perhaps you are spearheading a new company policy, or maybe you simply want to make your business a more responsible and clean contributor to your community.
No matter your reasons for seeking better sustainability, Global Sustainable Solutions is here to help.
As a comprehensive solution to some of the top Fortune 500 companies and other great businesses, Global Sustainable Solutions shares 7 steps to help you lessen or even eliminate your company’s waste steam and earn profits while you do.
Step 1. Decide To Become A Leader
To put time and energy into improving your company’s sustainability is a valiant leadership decision. By taking on that role with conviction, you are paving the way for others in your company to do the same.
Step 2. Invite Sustainability Leaders To Your Site
A Sustainable Solutions Consultant can conduct a sustainability audit to pinpoint effective and efficient ways to reduce your business’s footprint. At Global Sustainable Solutions, we have a SAPP Audit that looks not only at your daily operations but also your production and distribution processes to find the best most straightforward and ways to reduce waste and improve profits.
Step 3. Get A Sustainability Program for Your Business
Since every company and site has its own ways of doing business, that means different waste diversion and beneficial reuse opportunities are present. You can find out how to best meet your company’s needs in a custom-made program with specific recommendations to improve sustainability while increasing profits.
Step 4. Redirect Reusable and Recyclable Materials
Did you know that some of your current landfill waste could be not only recycled but reused? Your Global Sustainable Solutions Consultant can help you pinpoint hard-to-find yet rewarding opportunities to prevent certain materials from becoming landfilled, instead sending them to the right places for optimal beneficial reuse.
Step 5. Make Clean Energy From Would-Be Landfill Waste
After your reusable and recyclable materials are removed from your waste stream, all that remains is what would normally be landfilled. Most people don’t know that trash can be converted to clean energy at facilities that turn them into steam, electricity, or heat.
Step 6. Track Your Cost Savings, Profits, and Progress
An excellent sustainability program reaps financial rewards because you earn money on the materials you recycle in bulk while cutting landfill costs. When you partner with Global Sustainable Solutions, you redirect your would-be landfill waste into materials that are reused, recycled, or converted to clean energy. This benefits your finances, your workflow, and the environment ongoingly.
Step 7. Enjoy The Rewards of Making A Difference
As your sustainability program continues, encourage your team with the good news of your financial savings and environmental successes. At Global Sustainable Solutions, we provide a monthly report that shows these figures clearly. Some clients even have a little party each month to celebrate!
Schedule Your SAPP Audit.
Find out more about the SAPP Audit.
How can you make your company’s daily workflows more sustainable? What can be recycled that you may not have thought of? What are ways to increase your company's profits by reducing landfill waste?
Schedule your free audit to increase your company’s sustainability. Fill out the form below:
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Fill out the form above for your SAPP Audit, performed by our Global Sustainable Solutions Consultants.